Ep 32: Ludwig von Mises vs. A Christian Scholar, Round 2 (James K.A. Smith)

Summary – Ludwig von Mises vs. A Christian Scholar, Round 2 (James K.A. Smith)

*Episode originally recorded in August 2022.*
In round two of Ludwig von Mises vs. a Christian scholar, we look at the brilliant Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith’s collection of essays called ‘The Devil Reads Derrida.” There is a lot of great content, but his definition of capitalism and libertarianism are at odds with the tradition of Austrian economics.  We compare his statements with Ludwig von Mises’ great essay ‘Liberty and Property’ in an attempt to offer a more holistic understanding of capitalism. I agree with Smith on most other issues, and I would highly recommend his exceptional book ‘Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism’, which is the best introduction to both postmodern philosophy and it’s relevance for the church.

Episode Outline:

I. Capitalism and Misunderstanding Economics
II James K.A. Smith
III. Liberty and Property
IV Capitalism Accomplishes Christian Goals

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