We libertarians tend to be a philosophical bunch, and many of us can spend countless hours arguing over the finer points of economics, or trying to explain how Rothbardian political economy applies to environmental issues. But the reality is that the vast majority of the population does not reach political conclusions on the basis good arguments; in many cases, people make decisions for subjective/emotional reasons, then devise an intellectual basis for their position after the fact. If libertarians want to make a serious impact in persuading more people, we must learn how to connect the liberty message to them on a subjective, emotional level.
Enter Robin Koerner, who in the 2012 presidential election cycle gained fame amongst libertarians due to his successful effort to convince large numbers of pro-peace Democrats to register Republican in order to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. Today, Robin is a consultant who helps libertarians learn to be better marketers of the message. He is also a close associate of the great libertarian Christian, Jeffrey Tucker (which whom he has released a new book). Tune in and find out why some very important people have started referring to Robin as “the Dale Carnegie of the 21st century!” (By the way, we’re the very important people)
- About Robin Koerner
- Libertytalk.fm
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robin-ko…
- http://www.bluerepublican.org/
- http://watchingamerica.com/
- http://robinkoerner.com/
- Taxrevolution.us
- The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt