Ep 46: It’s Time to Address Covid-19

Summary – It’s Time to Address Covid-19

I finally devote a full episode to Covid-19. I discuss why I believe that holistic health (exercise, dieting, and drinking water) is the best method for ensuring health and building an immune system. Then we talk about how the FDA’s budgeting method allows pharmaceutical companies to craft regulations that benefit their financial interests at the expense of competition and the health of the American public. We then look at how the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, John Hopkins, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation planned a pandemic response in 2018 and 2019 that was eerily similar to the blueprint used by the political class and the media in 2020. We then look at a few articles that demonstrate that the response to Covid by the government and media was not based on evidence or statistics, and how that lead to an over-counting of deaths and an overestimation of the efficacy of the MRNA vaccines. We finish off by discussing the side effects of the vaccines and how we should try to move the conversation about Covid forward.

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