On today’s episode, we are joined by libertarian Christian economist Art Carden to tackle one of the most pressing and divisive issues in contemporary American politics: immigration. President Trump’s stance on this issue was one of the key factors that propelled his victory in last November’s election, but since then many of the hard-line promises he campaigned on have not come to fruition. This has caused some in his base to criticize him heavily, while others are thankful for this change (whatever the cause may be).
It’s no secret that even libertarians are split on how to think about immigration, and particularly its relation to property rights. Carden walks us through the economics of immigration, but also engages us on the theological-philosophical and ethical dynamics at work in how we think about borders, property, labor, and community. You could build a wall to keep this discussion out of your thinking, but we’d encourage you to take a more ‘cosmopolitan’ approach by listening to the episode.
- Art Carden’s faculty page at Samford University
- Carden’s page at the Independent Institute
- Carden’s page at Learn Liberty
- Carden’s personal website
- Art’s articles on Forbes.com
- Ben Powell’s work
- After 5 Years In U.S., Terrorist Cell Too Complacent To Carry Out Attack
- Last Pritchett book, Let Their People Come