We pride ourselves at LCI on providing great “evergreen” content for Christian libertarians across the world. Nonetheless, addressing what is happening in the world right now is important as well, and to that end, we are starting up a new video series to do just that. We’re calling it “Good News Bad News“, and you’ll be able to find it every few weeks on our Youtube channel. Each episode, our roundtable will talk frankly about 4 to 8 topics that we think are interesting, notable, and in some cases even fun in world events. To make it even more easily shareable, we’ll carve up shorter segments from the whole on single topics as well. We will rotate around with new people from time to time, and for this episode, we’ve got Doug Stuart, Kerry Baldwin, Matt Bellis, and me discussing cancel culture, a cashless society, Hamilton (the musical!), and civil disobedience – should Christians ever disobey their government?