Ep 84: Israel, Hamas, War Propaganda, and Collateral Damage

Ep 84: Israel, Hamas, War Propaganda, and Collateral Damage

In this episode, I follow up my conversation with Dr. Anne Perez on the history of Zionism by looking at two articles that explore different aspects of the current conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The first is an article written by Matthew Petti for Reason Magazine in which he explains how the messaging in the media and from the political class shapes our understanding of the war and makes us callous to the real pain and suffering being experienced by innocent people on both sides of the conflict. We then look at an article written by the great Dave DeCamp over at Antiwar.com about how the Israeli president is claiming that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza because the people voted for Hamas, and the obvious problems with that assertion. Within the context of these two articles and my discussion with Dr. Perez, I explain the necessity of thinking historically and contextually about the situation, the problem with war lies and propaganda, and the morality of the theory of ‘collateral damage’. I hope you enjoy this episode!


Additional Resources

Reason article: https://reason.com/2023/10/12/americas-broken-lurid-view-of-foreign-wars/

Dave Decamp article: https://news.antiwar.com/2023/10/15/israeli-president-says-theres-no-innocent-civilians-in-gaza/

Dr. Anne Perez Interview on Zionism: https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/ep-83-understanding-zionism-with-anne-perez/

Laurie Calhoun on the Just War Theory: https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/critique-of-the-just-war-theory-laurie-calhoun/

Antiwar Website and Twitter: antiwar.com | @antiwarcom

Dave DeCamp Twitter: @DeCampDave

Matthew Petti Twitter: @matthew_petti

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