The myth of religious neutrality

Ep 19: The Myth Of Religious Neutrality

Summary – The Myth Of Religious Neutrality

A reading of edited excerpts from the article “On The General Relation Of Religion, Metaphysics, and Science” by Dr Roy A. Clouser, presenting the Neo-Calvinist view of what has been called The Myth Of Religious Neutrality. The predominant Scholastic view of the general relation is summarized, followed by a summary of the Neo-Calvinist, or Reformational view. According to the Neo-Calvinist view, the way in which religious belief guides theories is then summarized, the view of religious belief is further explained, how religious belief within a given metaphysics affects science is further explained, and a prominent objection is answered. [Direct mp3 download]

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Main Points of Discussion

00:00 Introduction
00:32 Episode description
03:29 The Scholastic View
07:46 The Neo-Calvinist (Reformational) View
13:34 Scientific theories guided by a basic view of reality
17:47 A basic view of reality guided by a religious belief
19:02 More about religious belief
27:11 How religious belief within a metaphysics affects science
37:03 Example of atomic theory
40:13 An objection answered


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