Ep 147: A Conversation About Biblical Inerrancy with Jacob Winograd

Ep 147: A Conversation About Biblical Inerrancy with Jacob Winograd

In this episode, I present a conversation that I had with Jacob Winograd, host of the Biblical Anarchy podcast, about Biblical Inerrancy. This took place on his previous show, the Daniel 3 podcast. As I clarified my positions on Protestantism, the creeds, and inerrancy in the previous episode (146, available everywhere), I thought that this conversation would help highlight my position on Biblical inerrancy and further clarify my previous statements on the subject. Jacob and I both believe in the authority of scripture, and we discuss why he prefers to retain the language of ‘inerrancy’ while I prefer the terms ‘authority’ and ‘reliability’. Our perspectives on Biblical interpretation are remarkably similar, and I hope that this helps demonstrate how a conversation between two Christians that have similar views can lead to a fruitful and productive dialogue which sheds light on important theological issues. Make sure you check out Jacob’s show over at libertarianchristians.com!

Additional Resources

Ep 146: Protestantism, Christian Creeds, and Biblical Inerrancy Revisited 

The Biblical Anarchy podcast: https://libertarianchristians.com/shows/biblical-anarchy/

Jacob on X: @BiblicalAnarchy

Original Conversation: https://www.youtube.com/live/tXjzzEoegXA?si=X6turLc250U5-kC9

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The Christians for Liberty Network is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute consisting of shows and hosts offering various perspectives on the intersection of Christianity and libertarianism. Views expressed by hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the organization, its staff, board members, donors, or any other affiliates (including other hosts or guests on the network). Guest appearances or interviews of any incumbents, officials, or candidates for any political, party, or government office should not be construed as endorsements. The Libertarian Christian Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not endorse any political party or candidate for any political, government, or party office. For information about the Libertarian Christian Institute’s core values, please visit this page.

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