Ep 124: Hell, Eternal Damnation, and Universalism with Derek Kubilus

Ep 124: Hell, Eternal Damnation, and Universalism with Derek Kubilus

In this episode I talk with Rev. Derek Kubilus, senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Ashland, Ohio, about his brand new book ‘Holy Hell: A Case Against Eternal Damnation’ (2024, Eerdmans Press), in which he argues for universalism, the belief that God will ultimately save everyone. While I am personally an annihilationist (a belief also known as ‘conditional immortality’), this book makes the provocative case that many of the passages in the New Testament which seem to refer to eternal condemnation are actually about purging and refining sin, and the model that Kubilis proposes is labeled ‘protestant purgatory’. He discusses both philosophical and Scriptural problems with the tradition belief in eternal conscience torment and challenges his audience to rethink their assumptions about hell. Even if you are not convinced by his argument, it is a clear and though-provoking take on an extremely important and controversial issue.

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