Ep 36: Ecclesiastic Secession and Property Rights in the Episcopal Church, with Jim Lewis

The Diocese of South Carolina, once part of the Episcopal Church, seceded from the denomination in 2012 after a complex dispute, and in 2017 joined another Anglican denomination, the Anglican Church in North America. However, the Episcopal Church claims ownership of the diocese’s real estate, as well as certain trademarks and intellectual property rights pertaining to its name and branding. What has ensued is an intricate and multi-faceted legal dispute between the diocese and the Episcopal Church. This story illustrates important considerations for handling ecclesiastic disputes and church splits, and what can happen when the state gets involved. Joining us to discuss his take is the Rev. Canon Jim Lewis from the Diocese of South Carolina.

Jim Lewis’ op-ed in The Charleston Mercury
Daily Caller article: “South Carolina Diocese Fights Back Against Episcopal Church”
Daily Caller article: “SC Anglicans Must Return $500 Million In Properties To Episcopal Church”
Post and Courier article: “Diocese of South Carolina joins ACNA”
Huffington Post article: “South Carolina Diocese Disaffilates From The Episcopal Church”

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