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The Questions

1    Why Should I Care about Politics?

  1. Politics isn’t a gospel issue, so why should I be concerned about politics?
  2. Jesus said his Kingdom was not of this world. Isn’t political engagement being concerned with “this world”?
  3. Politics just seems like a distraction from the real mission of the Church.
  4. So what does God have to say about government?
  5. Didn’t Paul write that governments were established by God?
  6. What scriptural support is there that the state is inherently bad?
  7. But didn’t the Israelites have kings? Doesn’t that mean having a state is okay?
  8. If the Old Testament is not favorable toward government, what about the New Testament?
  9. Government rule, then, might not be the right way to go. What hope do we have against powerful states?
  10. Does being a libertarian mean joining a political party?

2    The Libertarian Basics

  1. What makes somebody a libertarian?
  2. How is the non-aggression principle (NAP) consistent with a Christian worldview?
  3. How do libertarian Christians account for people who violate the non-aggression principle (NAP)?
  4. Why are property rights so important to libertarians?
  5. How do property rights relate to human rights? I thought humans weren’t property.
  6. But doesn’t 1 Corinthians 6:19 explicitly state we do not own ourselves? Doesn’t God own all things?
  7. But if humans are stewards, how are we held accountable in our stewardship?
  8. The book of Acts says the early church shared things in common (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32). Doesn’t this go against the idea of property rights?
  9. Libertarianism just seems like a selfish philosophy to me.
  10. Libertarianism feels too individualistic to be compatible with Christianity.

3    What Is Government?

  1. Isn’t the government an institution created by God? How can a Christian square this truth with being anti-government?
  2. Okay, so maybe not all governments are established by God. But isn’t the state needed to keep sinful people under control?
  3. Sure, the state isn’t great at managing society, but surely they “keep the peace,” right?
  4. If the government doesn’t make laws, how will people know what authority to obey?
  5. Do libertarians believe any and every government is illegitimate?
  6. Wait a sec, are you saying there’s a difference between governance and government?
  7. Why do governments need to be limited? Shouldn’t they be able to do whatever it takes to keep the peace?
  8. The government is a special entity. It sounds like you’re holding it to the same ethics as individuals have to obey.
  9. What sort of legal order would a libertarian support?

4    Does a Free Society Have Limits?

  1. Shouldn’t there be limits on individual freedom? People can’t just do whatever they want without consequences!
  2. What limitations do I have as an individual under libertarianism?
  3. What keeps others from victimizing me under libertarianism?
  4. What if other people don’t like what I do or how I live?
  5. What about people who have more wealth? They can buy votes and rig the system in their favor!

5    Is Capitalism Problematic?

  1. How can a Christian support the pursuit of profit when the Bible says “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10)?
  2. Doesn’t capitalism create winners and losers through competition and conflict?
  3. Doesn’t capitalism promote consumerism and materialism?
  4. What about the inequalities that capitalism creates?
  5. Is economic growth all libertarians care about?
  6. Why are poor people still poor when our country has so much wealth?
  7. Aren’t markets inherently unstable and detrimental to human flourishing?

6    What about Christian Morals and Ethics?

  1. Wouldn’t I have to endorse prostitution if I’m a libertarian?
  2. If addictive/harmful drugs are legalized, doesn’t that mean more people will use them?
  3. What does a libertarian Christian suggest to keep greed in check in a truly free market?
  4. How do libertarian Christians account for “gay rights” or “women’s rights”?
  5. Fair enough, but what about marriage licenses? Marriage is defined by God but the state now recognizes marriage
    as a right for homosexuals and libertarians seem to agree
  6. If society becomes more libertarian, won’t this mean a cultural collapse into hedonism?
  7. Do libertarians support the right to kill oneself?
  8. How can a libertarian expect a free society without a safety net to provide for the poor?
  9. How can a Christian fulfill Jesus’ command to care for the poor in a free society?

7    What about Public Goods and Services?

  1. Without the state, who will build the roads?
  2. Wouldn’t it be inefficient for all roads to be tolled?
  3. Who will educate our children?
  4. Who will protect children from child abuse? Who will rescue abused children?
  5. Who will catch the criminals?
  6. Who will regulate air traffic or prevent future terrorist attacks?
  7. Some libertarians say public safety should be handled by insurance companies. What about people who aren’t policyholders?
  8. How would parks exist if not for the state?
  9. What about people who can’t afford to pay for these privatized services?
  10. What about libraries?

8    What about Nationalism, Nation State, and Patriotism?

  1. Don’t we need a common defense?
  2. Don’t countries have the right to self-determination?
  3. Shouldn’t Christians be thankful we live in a free country?
  4. Can a Christian serve in the military?
  5. Shouldn’t Christians honor those who sacrifice their lives for their countrymen?

9    What about Social Justice?

  1. Shouldn’t human flourishing be the goal of good government?
  2. Private charity can’t cover everyone’s needs, so don’t we need government?
  3. Didn’t Jesus care about the poor? Isn’t that really what social justice is all about?
  4. In Acts, the early church shared all things in common. Wouldn’t this be a good model for society?
  5. How should we then think about global and social issues such as immigration, racism/sexism, or the environment?

10  What about Immigration?

  1. What does the Bible have to say about immigration?
  2. Didn’t God establish nations to keep people separate?
  3. Even libertarians affirm property rights. Isn’t a closed border the national analogue to personal property?
  4. Without tough border restrictions, how do we protect people from foreign threats?
  5. Wouldn’t allowing poor immigrant laborers into the country permit others to take advantage of their status as poor?
  6. Shouldn’t we abolish the welfare state before we allow open immigration?
  7. How would a mass number of immigrants effectively integrate into their new host country?
  8. Wouldn’t allowing open borders create a “brain drain,” where the able and intelligent in poor countries leave the poorest of the poor behind?

11  What about Abortion?

  1. Why are some libertarians pro-choice if abortion violates the non-aggression principle (NAP)?
  2. Are there pro-life libertarians?
  3. Does being a libertarian mean I should be personally opposed to abortion but for legal abortion?
  4. But wouldn’t personhood laws enacted by the state protect unborn lives?
  5. Wait a second, this is getting complicated! The problem of abortion is simple: it’s sin and requires repentance. Why don’t libertarian Christians just take this approach?
  6. What should be done with women who have an abortion?
  7. What should be done with doctors who perform abortions?
  8. What about the Supreme Court? Shouldn’t that weigh heavily on my vote for a president because the Supreme Court can overturn Roe v Wade?
  9. Shouldn’t I vote for a party or candidate that is pro-life? I just can’t stomach voting for a pro-choice candidate!
  10. If you can be libertarian and pro-life, then why doesn’t the Libertarian Party platform reflect that?

12  What about the Environment & Creation?

  1. What does the Bible say about our responsibility to the earth’s wellbeing?
  2. What is the best way to understand our relationship to the environment?
  3. How could a free society protect the environment?
  4. Doesn’t the corporate drive for profit come at the expense of the environment?
  5. Even if we are improving the planet, what about adverse effects like pollution?
  6. Isn’t something as global as climate change an issue that requires a global, collective solution? What is the free market solution to climate change?
  7. Since many in the world do not accept libertarianism, are there legitimate compromises that libertarians can make that would be considered good stewardship?

13  Christian Misconceptions of Libertarianism

  1. Don’t libertarians think greed and selfishness are virtues?
  2. Aren’t libertarians hedonists who just want to live however they want to?
  3. Why do libertarians seem to think all people are good and don’t need a state to control them?
  4. Why do libertarians seem to reject the sinful nature of humanity?
  5. Why do libertarians seem to have simple answers to complex problems?
  6. Doesn’t libertarianism reject morals and make decisions on cost-benefit analysis?
  7. Is Libertarianism an all-encompassing worldview?

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